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Hello My name is Hiba Almade

Software engineer

The next page will include a summary of all the readings that I will perform in this course..

Code 102 Reading Notes: Intro to Software Development

Read-01 Growth
Read-02 HTML
Read-03 JavaScript
Read-04 Loop JS
Read-05 Function JS
Read-06 CSS

Code 201 Reading Notes: Foundations of Software Development

Read-01 Introductory HTML and JavaScript
Read-02 HTML text, CSS introduction, and basic JavaScript help
Read-03 HTML Lists, Control Flow with JS, and the CSS Box Model
Read-04 HTML Links, JS Functions, and Intro to CSS Layout
Read-05 HTML Images; CSS Color & Text
Read-06 JS Object Literals; The DOM
Read-07 HTML Tables; JS Constructor Functions
Read-08 CSS layout
Read-09 Forms and Events
Read-10 JS: Error Handling & Debugging
Read-11 Assorted Topics
Read-12 HTML <canvas> Element & Chart.js
Read-13 Local Storage
Read-14 CSS Transforms, Transitions, and Animations

Code 301 Reading Notes: Intermediate Software Development

Read-01 Introduction to React and Components
Read-02 React Component Lifecycle Events
Read-03 Lists and Keys in React
Read-04 React and Forms
Read-05 Putting it all together-React
Read-06 Node.js & Pair Programming
Read-07 REST
Read-08 APIs
Read-09 Functional Programming
Read-10 In memory storage
Read-11 Authentication
Read-12 Mongo and Mongoose
Read-13 CRUD
Read-14 Diversity & Inclusion in the Tech Industry

Code 401 Reading Notes: Advanced Software Development

Read-01 Java Basics
Read-02 Arrays, Loops, Imports
Read-03 Maps, primitives, File I/O
Read-04 OOP
Read-05 Linked List
Read-06 Inheritance and Interfaces
Read-08 OO design
Read-10 Stacks & Queues
Read-11 Spring
Read-12 Spring request
Read-13 Related Resources and Integration Testing
Read-14 The Trees
Read-15 Spring Authentication
Read-16 Spring Boot and OAuth2
Read-18 Web App Security
Read-19 Spring and Sockets
Read-26 Application Fundamentals
Read-27 Android Tasks and the Back Stack
Read-28 Create dynamic lists with RecyclerView
Read-29 Hash tables:
Read-30 Room
Read-31 Espresso
Read-32 Intro to Serverless
Read-33 GraphQL @connection
Read-34 Android Monetization
Read-35 Graphs
Read-36 Cognito
Read-37 S3
Read-38 Notifications
Read-39 Kinesis
Read-41 Intent Filters
Read-42 Location
Read-43 Amplify and Kinesis