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Introductory HTML and JavaScript:



HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages.

With HTML you can create your own Website.

HTML is easy to learn.

Html structure:

An HTML 4 document is composed of three parts:


To learn HTML you need to know what tags are available for you to use, what they do, and where they can go.

HTML Extra Markup:

HTML layout:

HTML layouts provide a way to arrange web pages in well-mannered, well-structured, and in responsive form or we can say that HTML layout specifies a way in which the web pages can be arranged. Web-page layout works with arrangement of visual elements of an HTML document.

Every website has a specific layout to display content in a specific manner.

Following are different HTML5 elements which are used to define the different parts of a webpage.

HTML Process and Design:

Well-designed websites offer much more than just aesthetics. They attract visitors and help people understand the product, company, and branding through a variety of indicators, encompassing visuals, text, and interactions. That means every element of your site needs to work towards a defined goal. But how can you achieve this harmonious synthesis of the elements? Through a comprehensive web design process that takes both form and function into account.

Website design steps:


What is a script and how do I create it?

By itself, HTML doesn’t have any smarts: It can’t do math, it can’t figure out if someone has correctly filled out a form, and it can’t make decisions based on how a web visitor interacts with it.

Basically, HTML lets people read text, look at pictures, watch videos, and click links to move to other web pages with more text, pictures, and videos. In order to add intelligence to your web pages so they can respond to your site’s visitors, you need JavaScript.

JavaScript lets a web page react intelligently. With it, you can create smart web forms that let visitors know when they’ve forgotten to include necessary information. You can make elements appear, disappear, or move around a web page. You can even update the contents of a web page with information retrieved from a web server—without having to load a new web page.

In short, JavaScript lets you make your websites more engaging, effective, and useful.


How do computers fit in with the world around them?

Computers create models, examples, and locations of the world using data. Programmers can devise and write code to suit all cases and conditions to say "When this event occurs, do this action and display this output". Conditionals and others do this job to make websites as interactive as possible.

How do I write a script for a web page?

This is the line you need to add: <script src="app.js"></script>.
