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Spring Authentication:

Authentication and Access Control

> Two problems of app security: authentication and authorization


main strategy interface for authentication is AuthenticationManager

AuthenticationManager can do one of 3 things in its authenticate() method:

>> Spring Security provides some configuration helpers to quickly get common authentication manager features.

Spring Auth Cheat Sheet

  1. set up a user model and repo
  2. create a controller for that model
  3. UserDetailsServiceImpl implements UserDetailsService - gets a User from the database by username
  4. ApplicationUser implements UserDetails - use IntelliJ to implement the methods; make the boolean ones all return true
  5. WebSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter - has a UserDetailsService, passwordEncoder bean, configure AuthManagerBuilde, and configure HttpSecurity
  6. registration page - create it with form, ensure it posts to a route your controller is ready for, and check it’s saving in the DB
  7. login page - create it with form, ensure it posts to the route you specified in, web config, try it out.