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HTML Links, JS Functions, and Intro to CSS Layout

A website is not just one page.

All this is done using the **link tag**

>> In <a> we put the link inside a property called href to specify where we want to go.

>> We use the url of other pages

>> We use to to send an email

>>We use id as a sign when navigating within the same page.


Intro to CSS Layout:

Each item is in its own box..

A group of elements may be placed in a common box that is like a parent to them like <div>

Pages are in a normal flow format unless the properties are changed:

>> There are three types of flow:

  1. Normal flow:

    It is by default where each item is on a separate line even if the item width is changed.

  2. Relative positioning:

    Change the position of the element in its place. Up or down, left or right..without affecting the other elements on the page.

  3. absolute positioning:

    The element has moved out of its place and can be placed on top of other elements without affecting them.. as it appears to float on top of them.

The web page should fit all devices, so the elements are extensible.

>> CSS provides a framework that helps to perfectly control the locations of the elements.


JS Functions:

Functions are used to put a set of code loads in one block.They are called when needed without repeating all the code again..
