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OO Design

“Don’t Repeat Yourself” (DRY)

A principle of software development aims to reduce the times of writing code and not to repeat it unnecessarily The principle is to put everything that has to do with each other in one place, by creating relationships between them, the times of rewriting the code can be reduced, and the modification is easier and faster and does not affect other parts of the system

rule of three (“three hits as you rebuild”)

The rule to avoid code duplication is that when you have to write the same code three times, you must structure it As duplication in the code increases time and costs for maintenance or modification

“You won’t need it (YAGNI)

This principle states that you should not write any job that we do not need.. that is, do not write something that you expect that you will need

Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

It is the issuance of an initial product that meets the basics of the work of services .. and presenting it to users Then, based on their opinions, the work is completed and refined